The member survey of IGUV has shown that our members are very satisfied with the IGUV service offering. With an average rating of 4.63 out of 5, members rate the service as very good overall.

How the members became aware of IGUV shows an interesting picture. Most frequently, members became aware of IGUV through recommendations from colleagues (36.84%). A quarter of the members did research on the Internet and thus found out about IGUV (26.32%). A smaller part became aware of IGUV via LinkedIn (5.26%) and our ASSET MANAGER magazine (15.79%).

ASSET MANAGER magazine was rated by members with an average rating of 3.76 out of 5. The workshops were also rated well (3.65 out of 5). Our third-party service offering received a high rating of 3.94 out of 5. Our website and email newsletter were also rated well (4.18 out of 5 and 4.12 out of 5).

However, the most interesting result of the survey is that 100% of the members would recommend IGUV to others. This shows that IGUV is a first-class service provider and that the members are very satisfied with the offer.

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